Director's Message

Dear Friends,
My love for social work has stemmed from my life experiences. In the past, I have worked for large companies and saw the corruptness and unfairness in them. The managerial staff got paid large sums while the laborers got paid very little. I had to quit these jobs because I believe in the equality of opportunity. This is when I decided to become a true social worker.

Through various projects NYSASDRI was created with a mission to fight poverty and give opportunity to the people of Odisha. The Meikirch Model was presented to me and I decided that I wanted to institute the same thinking in Odisha. If each person knew the basic health practices, then the overall health and quality of life in Odisha would improve.

With this model implemented, I am certain that NYSASDRI will be living up to its mission every day to fight poverty and improve the life of the people of Odisha.

Sarangadhar Samal

Founder's Message
Director's Message